to episode 92 of Love That Album podcast.
this final month of my sabbatical from the podcast, the good ship LTA is
steered by my great friends, previous co hosts and passionate Australian music
experts, Dave Blom and Sitting In a Bar In Adelaide’s Michael Pursche.
Australian music has gone through many phases over the years and presented here
are 2 almost forgotten by the mainstream, Australian albums from the 1970’s
that belong to two different eras, despite only being separated by a few years
in terms of their release date.
the Mountains of Madness by Blackfeather is a landmark Progressive Rock album,
one that features a big hit single, the original version of "Seasons of
Change" which featured Bon Scott on recorder. Scott was so taken by this
song, that it was agreed that his band Fraternity would get to record it and
release it. Blackfeathers' record label upon seeing the success of the
Fraternity version, then decided to release the original Blackfeather version
which is included on this Album. The album itself is an interesting blend of
Rock and Roll combined with the sort of psychedelic noodling that would make
early Pink Floyd proud. This album was recently re-issued by the Aztec label
and is well worth the effort of listening to. Blackfeather then experienced
several line-up changes over the years and a very different sound for their
subsequent releases.
Australian people are familiar with the sounds of the Little River Band,
Skyhooks, Sherbet and AC/DC. Avalanche straddle the gap between the first 3 of
these bands and the last, but unfortunately most people wouldn't be familiar
with their fantastic self titled release
from 1976. The musicians coming off the back of working with Brian Cadd
produced this epic 11 track effort, that stands up well today. The music range
on this album is extremely diverse and highlights the talent that each member
brought to the studio.
re-named themselves as Front Page in 1978 after Cox and Harrison had left and
managed only one single "I Thought I'd Never Fall In Love
Again"/"Rockin' Hollywood. After splitting, Naylor joined Jon
English's backing band Baxter Funt and Campbell would be spotted in the early
80s as part of Funk band Adrian's Wall. Clive Harrison would later issue a 1982
solo album 'Once Bitten'. Geoff Cox went on to become a Media personality on
radio and TV, most famous for his show "Coxy's Big break".
two forgotten gems, well worth checking out. We hope you Love these albums too.
As long as Michael and Dave are discussing Australian bands
with art rock leanings, Eric Reanimator has appropriately picked an album for his
Album I Love segment by Dead can Dance. Originally out of Melbourne, they mix art
rock and Middle Eastern Sounds on their album, Eric discusses their 1993 album
Into The Labyrinth.
am so immensely grateful to my great friends for hosting the podcast and
keeping your earholes loaded with great music discussion. For better or worse,
I am back next month.
If you enjoy what you the podcast, please
recommend us to a friend or ten....real life, social media, the guy at work who
says he likes music....
Right click to download Episode 92 from here