Alt Rock... the early 90s style came
from somewhere. Its incursion on MTV and Rock Radio didn’t come out of nowhere.
It was just time for a change, but there were those who bridged the gap and
moved the needle more left on the dial (‘Mats reference) and in many ways set
the stage for the Pearl Jams, the Nirvanas, REMs and Alice In Chains of the
world… and some of those bands were fans of these guys….
All of this is to say that Eric
Reanimator is back talking once again about anthologies from Queensryche, King’s X and Drivin’n’Cryin
(don’t worry he will be back to Punk, Country and Country Punk soon enough).
Anyway Eric talks about a time a quarter of a century ago when for a moment
(mainly late 1990 and into 1991) those three bands made the charts, had a few
hits and had videos on MTV. So sit back, strap yourself in, and time travel
back to the early nineties.
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