Saturday, August 24, 2024

Love That Album Podcast Episode 178 - Three Random Albums


In some previous episodes, rather than speaking about a single album for a long time, myself (and maybe a guest) will speak about 3 albums each for a short time

In some previous episodes, rather than having a guest to chat with me about music, I'll carry on by myself. I'm not a fan of this notion, but if it's a choice between no who or a solo show, I'll do the latter.

Welcome to episode 178 of Love That Album.

This episode is a hybrid of both concepts. I am doing a partial solo show discussing 3 records in short form – two by myself, one with my friend Pat Monaghan. Circumstances dictated the solo segments, but opportunity allowed the collaboration....thanks, Pat.

Previous shows where I did the shorter segments were called Mystery Box. I wouldn't reveal what was under discussion until you tuned in.....not doing that here. I'm going to call this Three Random Albums (even though they're not) and reveal here that they are:

So Long, Noodle House – Hot Apple Band

Ramona – Grace Cummings

Back To The Cat – Barry Adamson

Three very diverse albums (two from the previous 12 months). Tune in, get some album talk, have fun.

Check out the swish new website for Pat's rekkid store, Rocksteady Records ( or go say hello in person if you live in Melbourne town.

Download this episode of LTA from your podcast app of choice (not Spotify). The wider back catalogue of episodes can also be found at

Love That Album is proudly part of the Pantheon Podcast network. Go to to check out all their great shows.

You can send me feedback at (written or mp3 voicemail) or join the Facebook group at

Download episode 178 from here.

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